Wild Discus from Amazon - Santarem Discus Lda

12.05.2010 00:12

HI Lucas

Thanks a lot for your email .
I have send you same details about the TRIP to Amazon .

About import fish is necessery a licence because is out of CEE . IAm Portuguese also i work with discus from last 25 yeas . See my personal blog www.hugodiscus.blogspot.com . I made my own company in Amazon and we are expert in wild discus . We made reserch to found new wilds and we want offer that secrets to the people who came visit us .
The expedition is for 10 days and we thing is a good opurtunity to made good business for the future with discus . l´s fish , apistograms , scalre , etc .
Try to found more people interisting in this TRIP and contact me , i thing the Checoslovaquia people never see good wilds discus , also breading them can be very good for the future a few people in the world do that